Friday, January 16, 2009

1st Thoughts for this new Year

I was On TeeVEEeEe .. hahaa.... but i think only my stomach.

my 30 seconds of fame. LOL .

Was talking to my fellow Chingay Trainer...

Something he said Struck me.

As a person who is practicing... When we are in the situation where other give up. Its for us to be the one to perservere on and strike out as the successful one!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year?

Wah, Everyone sets their resolution for the new year. Celebrated.
Me, I just feel that this is just another holiday. A day where it is significant enough for people to renew their calendars . and also to set new goals and target.
So i didn't celebrate. Got a call in the middle of the night. scared me and got me worried. Hope tt my friend is ok now and dun think of that bastard anymore.

On a happier note. Its also counted as the Starting year of my goals!
Gambatte! Delayed Gratification. Aiming for that!