Tuesday, November 18, 2008

not meant to be.

I guess things were not meant to be.. Lost interest.... Not that i wanted to, but well.. like a fire, if you don't add oxygen to it... it will die off ...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Been Drinking 4Lts of water almost for 2 days now...
I want to grow in size... i realise that at the moment my size is too small...
I need to train.. Grow Bigger in size.
The thing i've always lack is drinking water.. and that is why i started this water regiment.
let me continue and grow bigger size.

I realized that a pent house is 1.25 Million USD which is about 1.8 million SGD now..... thats my dream house type. to reach this goal... I need to have enough income/money to pay for it, be it active income, passive income. 1.8 million = 360k in down... plus.. about 4-5 k in Bank fees every month. WOW.. tts going to be a long long way... Never mind... i'll work towards that goal.

Thinking of setting up an online blog shop too. Actually, I am thinking of setting up alot of things.. hahaha... So, I shall... think of what first before i commit anything. Business... I'll welcome them.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

发花痴ing.... hahhaa... let me get this over with. Need to have a good Judgment. have to think... before i act.