Is there a need for attraction before anyone can come together to talk ?
Or is it purely platonic ? IDK .
For me yes... I need to at least have a good impression of you before I can start talking to you. If not , we would have no topics to talk about at all...
I tend to talk to girls more and is more random when it comes to them . somehow i feel the need to be random, so that its easier to maintain that friendship cause i can just random with them anytime.
But the thing is , when we are talking , and as we get to know more of each other , the attraction level may increase or drop. Its a delicate thing on whether we can maintain just platonic or upgrade to a different level of relationship , or even downgrade to just nothing.
All this would boil down to topics and experience. If we have the same topic to talk about, I am sure it'll be very fine and we can talk all day all night if there are common interest.
Experience sharing is also crucial in letting the other party know more about you. understanding makes it easier to break the ice. or even to warm up the conversation.
so , whats in it for you? when you start talking to the opposite sex?
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
I think of you.. and I miss you....
Here I am , Back dating my thoughts on what had happened over the past month ..
First... I got my TMI! meaning now I am a certified trader of SGX and would be trading full time with benefits from it. Took awhile to trade simsci, and finally decided that I would go for nikkei 225 due to the potential that i see in this . Learning . And have my standard template out already. Whats left would be how confident i am of my trade and how i can execute it well..
And yes, of course.. Bills... need to pay them before i get fined.
2nd , I ran my 42KM Marathon!! and completed it!!! Its my first such run and loving it.
3rd, which would be my main topic now... YDC Camp ...
I would like to thank Liping for inviting me to this camp . This is one of the best camp i've been to.. in-fact, I think this is the best camp i've been to. The other camp that is Damn good would be... our SB camp which was org by Mingjie and team ( which includes.. mee ) . LOL.
Its not the camp structure that is nice i would say.. its more like the people. I keep getting the feel that i've dreamt of this camp before. like i've encountered it before. hahaa. Well , I love my group. I think the reason why this camp is so great is cause the group that i mixed with is damn cool! this young bunch of kids had definately won my heart over. Here is the group of locals that were with me..

Top left to right : ShengJie, Juanita ( we call her wan ni , then wannita ) Me , Ming Yong
Bottom Left : Jefferry , Cheryl , Ningyi , Zhu li , and Peilee.
Well , of course, not forgetting the foreign delegates,
We have Fon and Pipe ( A musician ) from Thailand ,
Hung ( or Leo , ) Ngiah ( pronounce as Nee an ) , khan ( forgot how to spell her name ) from Vietnam ,
Main main ( Mei Mei ) from Myanmar
These Guys here... are high when they should be , Mild when they should be. Sporty enough to try everything and is open to everything.
let me try to recap from my camp with this guys... my 4 days with them .
I was early and decided to go to the camp earlier with Liping. while walking i was like.. Oh noo.. am i really coming to this camp? its seems... boring and empty... Wearing my OCS Admin shirt , I sat in the Ops room to play around and chat.. until the people came.
realising that Shengjie was in the gropu, the first moment he looked at me, he was smiling and smiling. haha.. i didn't realised that I was introduced to Jefferry, who also happens to be in our group. I saw .... Girls... and was like.. wah.. heng ar.. there are girls. And yes, tried to warm them up with introduction, since we are suppose to do them anyway. One round with the locals, and i still couldn't get the name in . I only remember an NY because i associated her with new york.
the guy to my right, was looking at me uneasily... and i realised the reason is cause he is an army boy and now looking at me wearing OCS shirt. hahaa.. Simple intro and we continued to our bunk to put our stuffs..
Came down in awhile for camp briefing and Realised that our group is group A. and there is this need to come out with a group name. out of the blue a crappy word came out slip from my mouth and I an't believe everyone took it up.. Since it was for all the fun joy and laughter, our gropu was called.. "AHA!" . hahaa.. what crap, but this crap turn out to be the best team ever.
First game was the usual ..Fire, Hunter, earthquake. Started playing awhile and realised after awhile that my team really group together. while the foreigners are having fin with the game itself, my local AHA team were having fun cheating in the game. Hahaa.. Joined them in the cheating game, and found it more fun than playing the game..
The next game was some game called evolution. Which of course, our team decided to just stay as eggs and enjoy the forfeit. Got Pang seh by Ming yong, who regretted. hahaa. cause the winners do forfeit and the losers watch :)
That ended the day. we were suppose to come up with cheers. and having a curfew, we all went to sleep early still thinking of what to cheer.. If i remembered, we used Juanita's adaptation and came up with our first short cheer...
HA HA HA , we are the Aha Gang,
Aha Aha Ahahaha.
Then soon, we came up with our food cheer...
which goes..
Food food , hungry hungry , yes i want , yes i want
everybody eat! ahahaha!
Then we went for a day at HSA, grouping together, playing and trying to find loop holes( cheating ) through the simple games...

Hahaa.. so fun .. It wasn't until VIVO city, i realised the amount of enthusiasm these bunch of people have. We are suppose to find any shop and look for their cheapest item with any letters of GIVE BLOOD SAVE LIVES inside. just neededing the price tag. we got everything we need...
for $0 .. how pro is that. . of course, we won the game. with everything found and every extra points gained. Except for the 4 points. We came back the earliest and won .
Over at the bus, talked to cheryl and mingyong about what they are studying and all.. and enjoying the conversation.
When we reached campsite , we had little time to prep and everyone camp back down early to discuss the presentation that we have. It was suppose to be a MTV with lolipop and bollywood in it.
After awhile, due to curfew again , we had to go to sleep again. did think of some simple cheoro steps that might work . and the next day , demostrated to them .. in that small few hours, everyone was trying to learn the cheoro that i did. i would say except for the first part of the cheoro , everything else was like impromtu at that spot and finalised. Our team were also quite on for the part where we have to join in the flash mob. so we learnt yet another set of dance too.. haha
Took the stage and enjoyed it. Couldn't get the song hush hush out of my head. The night went on to dance night . While they were waiting , Liping requested that i help her. cause she couldn't get the people to be high. and so there i was with my lameness... Played the leaf is falling game.
and it heated the rest for the next game.. Limbo rock. Took the stage with cheryl and we took the poles. hahaha... the rest have to play the game. Quite fun , and we have the honor of seeing shengjie dance to the music. haha..
The night ended with water bombs, the AHA group took pride in ourselves and decided to take on everything. just sat there to be bomb.. The water was... cold! played quite a few games before we shower and get ready for the night... or was it.. Just when i thought the night is ending, i saw them outside the room.. and aha! we started talking.. the group of us grew bigger and ended with me, MY, NY, Juanita , Cheryl , lilin , XY , Ruoyu , hong wei, bork hang, hashini and herry.
We started talking about Ghost stories ( mostly shared by me ) Dun like to share , but ya, I shared it. then went on to do an introduction of ourselves.. a detailed one. I thought I heard someone say... pls, let him have some ex.. hahaa.. or something like tat.. Hahhaa... I was like. . haha.. ya.. 3 ...
hahaa... we didn't sleep and was playing bridge and some games. Learnt a new game, I hope I won't forget. haha. And played ice and water , which I bang onto Herry and hurt my leg..
And had some final gathering ... and the day ended with misses...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Personality test - Taken after reading Xia's blog
Independent Thinkers are analytical and witty persons. They are normally self-confident and do not let themselves get worked up by conflicts and criticism. They are very much aware of their own strengths and have no doubts about their abilities. People of this personality type are often very successful in their career as they have both competence and purposefulness. Independent Thinkers are excellent strategists; logic, systematics and theoretical considerations are their world. They are eager for knowledge and always endeavour to expand and perfect their knowledge in any area which is interesting for them. Abstract thinking comes naturally to them; scientists and computer specialists are often of this type.Independent Thinkers are specialists in their area. The development of their ideas and visions is important to them; they love being as flexible as possible and, ideally, of being able to work alone because they often find it a strain having to make their complex trains of thought understandable to other people. Independent Thinkers cannot stand routine. Once they consider an idea to be good it is difficult to make them give it up; they pursue the implementation of that idea obstinately and persistently, also in the face of external opposition.
Independent Thinkers are not the type who easily comes out of his shell. Speaking about their emotional life is also not one of their strong points. Anyway, social relationships are not particularly important to them; they are happy with just a few, close friends who find it easy to share their intellectual world. They find it difficult to establish new ties. In love, they need a lot of space and independence but this does not mean that their partner is not important to them. Independent Thinkers often make a cool and reserved impression on others; but this impression is deceptive: they can hardly bear it if people close to them should reject them. They prefer a harmonious, balanced relationship with a partner who shares their interests and with whom they can realise their visions.
As an Independent Thinker, you are one of the introverted personality types. That is one of the reasons you prefer to work alone. This does not mean that you cannot be successful in a team, as well. For you, the task is most important and people who are involved come second. The contact with others, the necessity to adjust yourself to their daily changing sensitivities - all of it is just more gratuitous emotion that keep you from totally devoting yourself to those things that truly interest you: analyzing systems and policies, researching potentials for change, developing new ideas and implementing them in reality.Here you differ from the second introverted Thinker type, the Analytical Thinker: You truly enjoy implementing your concepts and you enjoy the results. Therefore you should look for a work environment where you can accompany and expedite your ideas through to their conclusion. You consider difficult situations as challenges that really try your creativity and you frequently surprise people around you with genuinely incredibly bright ideas, rendering others speechless with their excellence. Your world consists of statistics, legitimacy, and systematics. Considering all of this, your Thinker type is very praxis-oriented, and by no means lives on an intellectual ivory tower. You are not interested in theories not related to reality. As in chess, you are excellent at predicting the consequences of your methods in advance, and then choosing the appropriate alternative. Once you have made your decision on how to deal with a situation, you are totally willing to use your elbows and you don’t necessarily show any consideration for others. With that, you occasionally encounter resistance from other, less task-oriented colleagues that you quickly brush aside.You resent routine jobs or monotonic order of events. You believe that they smother your creativity. If necessary, your determination and unusual ambition will convince you to acquiesce to the inevitable. Nevertheless, when choosing your profession, you should be mindful that your working environment is going to provide you with something new to learn and that your tasks are as varied as possible. Your strength lies in solving novel problems and not working on details. Nor should your curiosity ever be satisfied; just as fresh information is as important to you as the air you breathe, so is the feeling that you continuously expand and increase your competencies. An activity where you do the same thing in the same department with the same colleagues for 20 years is the worst fate that can possibly happen to a hungry mind.
For your partner, you are truly a hard nut to crack, and one has to give someone who goes through life as independent as you darn good reasons for a relationship before he/she deigns to at least consider it. You very slowly and judiciously develop trust and closeness to other people; whoever wants to win you needs a tremendous amount of patience and staying power.Even once you begin to warm up to someone, one does not sense that for the longest time as you are uncomfortable and reluctant to display your feelings because you are not used to it. The cool, distanced, and somewhat arrogant vibes of all Thinkers are a little more pronounced with you and already sufficiently discourage many potential partners as they get frustrated and give up during the advanced phases of flirting - a shame because inside, you are not as indifferent and emotionless as you some- times appear, and sometimes your reserve simply hides your disappointment at the blindness and superficiality of the people around you.Nevertheless, it is always a good idea for you to choose a partner very carefully and not blindly jump into an affair, because your demands are very high. You have a clear image of the “perfect relationship” and are not willing to deviate from that by even one millimeter to the right or the left. A sharp intellect that is equal to yours is the most important quality your partner must bring along. You need somebody in your life who inspires, stimulates, and always challenges you and with whom you can maintain an intensive intellectual companionship. Nothing will impress you more than competence, knowledge, and the willingness to learn because those are the traits that are truly important to you in your life. You are never really satisfied with your accomplishments, and always discover something about yourself that needs your improvement, where something new can be learned, and where you are not yet good enough.
Independent Thinkers are not the type who easily comes out of his shell. Speaking about their emotional life is also not one of their strong points. Anyway, social relationships are not particularly important to them; they are happy with just a few, close friends who find it easy to share their intellectual world. They find it difficult to establish new ties. In love, they need a lot of space and independence but this does not mean that their partner is not important to them. Independent Thinkers often make a cool and reserved impression on others; but this impression is deceptive: they can hardly bear it if people close to them should reject them. They prefer a harmonious, balanced relationship with a partner who shares their interests and with whom they can realise their visions.
As an Independent Thinker, you are one of the introverted personality types. That is one of the reasons you prefer to work alone. This does not mean that you cannot be successful in a team, as well. For you, the task is most important and people who are involved come second. The contact with others, the necessity to adjust yourself to their daily changing sensitivities - all of it is just more gratuitous emotion that keep you from totally devoting yourself to those things that truly interest you: analyzing systems and policies, researching potentials for change, developing new ideas and implementing them in reality.Here you differ from the second introverted Thinker type, the Analytical Thinker: You truly enjoy implementing your concepts and you enjoy the results. Therefore you should look for a work environment where you can accompany and expedite your ideas through to their conclusion. You consider difficult situations as challenges that really try your creativity and you frequently surprise people around you with genuinely incredibly bright ideas, rendering others speechless with their excellence. Your world consists of statistics, legitimacy, and systematics. Considering all of this, your Thinker type is very praxis-oriented, and by no means lives on an intellectual ivory tower. You are not interested in theories not related to reality. As in chess, you are excellent at predicting the consequences of your methods in advance, and then choosing the appropriate alternative. Once you have made your decision on how to deal with a situation, you are totally willing to use your elbows and you don’t necessarily show any consideration for others. With that, you occasionally encounter resistance from other, less task-oriented colleagues that you quickly brush aside.You resent routine jobs or monotonic order of events. You believe that they smother your creativity. If necessary, your determination and unusual ambition will convince you to acquiesce to the inevitable. Nevertheless, when choosing your profession, you should be mindful that your working environment is going to provide you with something new to learn and that your tasks are as varied as possible. Your strength lies in solving novel problems and not working on details. Nor should your curiosity ever be satisfied; just as fresh information is as important to you as the air you breathe, so is the feeling that you continuously expand and increase your competencies. An activity where you do the same thing in the same department with the same colleagues for 20 years is the worst fate that can possibly happen to a hungry mind.
For your partner, you are truly a hard nut to crack, and one has to give someone who goes through life as independent as you darn good reasons for a relationship before he/she deigns to at least consider it. You very slowly and judiciously develop trust and closeness to other people; whoever wants to win you needs a tremendous amount of patience and staying power.Even once you begin to warm up to someone, one does not sense that for the longest time as you are uncomfortable and reluctant to display your feelings because you are not used to it. The cool, distanced, and somewhat arrogant vibes of all Thinkers are a little more pronounced with you and already sufficiently discourage many potential partners as they get frustrated and give up during the advanced phases of flirting - a shame because inside, you are not as indifferent and emotionless as you some- times appear, and sometimes your reserve simply hides your disappointment at the blindness and superficiality of the people around you.Nevertheless, it is always a good idea for you to choose a partner very carefully and not blindly jump into an affair, because your demands are very high. You have a clear image of the “perfect relationship” and are not willing to deviate from that by even one millimeter to the right or the left. A sharp intellect that is equal to yours is the most important quality your partner must bring along. You need somebody in your life who inspires, stimulates, and always challenges you and with whom you can maintain an intensive intellectual companionship. Nothing will impress you more than competence, knowledge, and the willingness to learn because those are the traits that are truly important to you in your life. You are never really satisfied with your accomplishments, and always discover something about yourself that needs your improvement, where something new can be learned, and where you are not yet good enough.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Off my mind and out of the blue
Understanding a person's limit is essential.... this is so that we can be able to push the limit further and further away. . When we do not understand our own limit, we would never be able to do a very good judgment on ourselves and therefore make decisions that would not be effective and efficient in the long run.
I know my Liquor Limit. That is why I do not get drunk till the point i don't remember the day before. But of course. there are times where drinking more than i should is not under my control.
I Know my physical running limit, roughly quantifiable, but not a very accurate one yet. 2KM i start to perspire, 4km I start to feel the kick, 8 Km my body starts burning the stored energy, 10km my peak , 14km , starts to weaken , 16km body not enough energy to continue to run constantly, 18km gone case. have to walk. 21km stagger and limping. If i go slower, everything should be able to times 1.5 times the distance.
I know my financial limit. Know when to spend where and how to spend. That is why i don't overspend and keep myself within budget.
I know my anger limit. Its quite huge, people seldom see me angry.
But there are somethings that I can't seem to know, and anyway i don't think they are quantifiable. Things like... How much I am willing to love, my knowledge of things. Things that I would like to learn but not yet learn...
Things I don't know will never cease to come. But I would love to reduce them to as little as possible. I think too much, learn too much, store too much stuffs that my hair turns white.
Of another topic - I am a Libra, a very typical one in fact. Some facts that fellow Libra's might want to know to understand themselves better. We care a lot about how other people see us... and would actually do things sub-consciously to keep up to that image.
People always say that we are fickle minded, but would always make the choice that everyone would like. This is actually caused by our need for the best possible decisions that would make everyone see us in good light. That is why, never ask a Libra to make a choice between 2 friends, or even a decision that might cause another party to view us in bad light... we can never do it. We dread doing it.
Because of this need to let other people see us in good light, Libra's will always be helpful, image conscious , confident, bright, attention grabbing, well-groom , neat and all the good stuffs add together. Seldom you will see a flaw in them... People will describe a Libra's flaw as "人太好了,会被人欺负。" If not it would be the indecisiveness on stuffs on dates/ projects/ meetings/ group outing/ place to go. Its because we know whats in our mind will not cater to whats in the other party's idea, but we do not want to impair the image that we etch in their mind. Ever wondered Why some of the most famous and well liked celebrities are libras?
In fact, we are not as good as we seem to be. When no one sees us, our true nature might come. Why did i say "might"? That is because if we live in our multi-persona for too long, we don't really know what represents our true self anymore.
Some people might disagree with what I say, saying that there are libras who do not fit into this profile. But of course. this is meant to be something that would apply to majority of us. Then let me ask the chicken and egg question... which came first? How we project our image to you, or we imagine how you imagine we would be. The latter wins.
A personal example. During lower secondary school, I had imagined that people from my class would view me as any boy would be, playful and with bad grades... thats what i gave them .
During Upper secondary, I changed class to a slower paced class... I was ammused about how my classmates see me as a clever boy who is hardworking in the first day of class. And thus, you guessed it... My grades soared.... I went from last 10-15 in school cohord to the top 15-25 . ( Intersting right ? think about it )
Ask any libra, I am sure they would understand what I am saying and might chucke and be astonished at how insanely close it is to them.
This is coming from me, a family made up of 3 libras + 1 cancer.
I know my Liquor Limit. That is why I do not get drunk till the point i don't remember the day before. But of course. there are times where drinking more than i should is not under my control.
I Know my physical running limit, roughly quantifiable, but not a very accurate one yet. 2KM i start to perspire, 4km I start to feel the kick, 8 Km my body starts burning the stored energy, 10km my peak , 14km , starts to weaken , 16km body not enough energy to continue to run constantly, 18km gone case. have to walk. 21km stagger and limping. If i go slower, everything should be able to times 1.5 times the distance.
I know my financial limit. Know when to spend where and how to spend. That is why i don't overspend and keep myself within budget.
I know my anger limit. Its quite huge, people seldom see me angry.
But there are somethings that I can't seem to know, and anyway i don't think they are quantifiable. Things like... How much I am willing to love, my knowledge of things. Things that I would like to learn but not yet learn...
Things I don't know will never cease to come. But I would love to reduce them to as little as possible. I think too much, learn too much, store too much stuffs that my hair turns white.
Of another topic - I am a Libra, a very typical one in fact. Some facts that fellow Libra's might want to know to understand themselves better. We care a lot about how other people see us... and would actually do things sub-consciously to keep up to that image.
People always say that we are fickle minded, but would always make the choice that everyone would like. This is actually caused by our need for the best possible decisions that would make everyone see us in good light. That is why, never ask a Libra to make a choice between 2 friends, or even a decision that might cause another party to view us in bad light... we can never do it. We dread doing it.
Because of this need to let other people see us in good light, Libra's will always be helpful, image conscious , confident, bright, attention grabbing, well-groom , neat and all the good stuffs add together. Seldom you will see a flaw in them... People will describe a Libra's flaw as "人太好了,会被人欺负。" If not it would be the indecisiveness on stuffs on dates/ projects/ meetings/ group outing/ place to go. Its because we know whats in our mind will not cater to whats in the other party's idea, but we do not want to impair the image that we etch in their mind. Ever wondered Why some of the most famous and well liked celebrities are libras?
In fact, we are not as good as we seem to be. When no one sees us, our true nature might come. Why did i say "might"? That is because if we live in our multi-persona for too long, we don't really know what represents our true self anymore.
Some people might disagree with what I say, saying that there are libras who do not fit into this profile. But of course. this is meant to be something that would apply to majority of us. Then let me ask the chicken and egg question... which came first? How we project our image to you, or we imagine how you imagine we would be. The latter wins.
A personal example. During lower secondary school, I had imagined that people from my class would view me as any boy would be, playful and with bad grades... thats what i gave them .
During Upper secondary, I changed class to a slower paced class... I was ammused about how my classmates see me as a clever boy who is hardworking in the first day of class. And thus, you guessed it... My grades soared.... I went from last 10-15 in school cohord to the top 15-25 . ( Intersting right ? think about it )
Ask any libra, I am sure they would understand what I am saying and might chucke and be astonished at how insanely close it is to them.
This is coming from me, a family made up of 3 libras + 1 cancer.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
For those of you who might not know
Good evening people. For those of you who might not know... I am actually in the business of trading.
Realized that what is really needed in trading is just to keep in simple.. have an idea that is doable and trade it.
Over the past year, I've learnt alot from my losses, inprove my systems and still incur losses.. then it finally came to the point where i start getting some profit no doubt not decent amount yet... Lucky I didn't get my whole forest burnt in the first few big forest fire of my capital.
At least for now , I know one thing is for sure. As long as we treat trading like a business itself, we would think differently from if we trade as a normal trader/investor.
3 Points that are more important in the life of a trading business..
Money management, Mind management, and Method Management
This 3 points are interlink and will not be able to work well without either one.
Money management meaning things like ...
the ability to portion out my money so that i am able to withstand alot alot of consequtive losses and still get me enough to earn when the market is in my favour. Its also the risk management sector of a trade.
Mind management
a human will seem small when compared to a mountain. But when compared to the ant, a human will be big. Just like how you are able to see money. If we compare a thousand to a cent, it would seems alot. but when compared to a billion dollars, its chicken feet. Mind management also entails the ability to stick to you system that you have .
Last would be a method management
Why would i say that its a management instead of just one method. This is because there are so many different methods in this world that can earn you money, But each have its risk and success. As long as the method entails and incorporates DEEP ( Direction , entry , exit and position sizing ) and it has a statistically stable and profitable percentage, Then stick to it.
This would be the thing that will be your bowl of rice. your gold is also dependent on this.
Even though 1 method is enough, I would suggest having 2 or more methods to play around.
but of course, the few method must have its value and different usage. and not be against each other all the time .
E.g ( 1 Long Term Trade system, 1 swing trade system, 1 intra-day trade system )
Assuming them to be swords, As long as we sharpen them and use them diligently with discipline, we would be on our way to wealth.
Wealth Creation must first start with bigger income and with more money, bigger income again.
Working as a trader is quite boring at times when all the systems are in place. But hey, what are we looking for? There is no complex system to wealth. Just a simple business where there is a systematically sound method of growing and protecting the capital gain.
Keeping it simple, thats the holy grail of everything.
Realized that what is really needed in trading is just to keep in simple.. have an idea that is doable and trade it.
Over the past year, I've learnt alot from my losses, inprove my systems and still incur losses.. then it finally came to the point where i start getting some profit no doubt not decent amount yet... Lucky I didn't get my whole forest burnt in the first few big forest fire of my capital.
At least for now , I know one thing is for sure. As long as we treat trading like a business itself, we would think differently from if we trade as a normal trader/investor.
3 Points that are more important in the life of a trading business..
Money management, Mind management, and Method Management
This 3 points are interlink and will not be able to work well without either one.
Money management meaning things like ...
the ability to portion out my money so that i am able to withstand alot alot of consequtive losses and still get me enough to earn when the market is in my favour. Its also the risk management sector of a trade.
Mind management
a human will seem small when compared to a mountain. But when compared to the ant, a human will be big. Just like how you are able to see money. If we compare a thousand to a cent, it would seems alot. but when compared to a billion dollars, its chicken feet. Mind management also entails the ability to stick to you system that you have .
Last would be a method management
Why would i say that its a management instead of just one method. This is because there are so many different methods in this world that can earn you money, But each have its risk and success. As long as the method entails and incorporates DEEP ( Direction , entry , exit and position sizing ) and it has a statistically stable and profitable percentage, Then stick to it.
This would be the thing that will be your bowl of rice. your gold is also dependent on this.
Even though 1 method is enough, I would suggest having 2 or more methods to play around.
but of course, the few method must have its value and different usage. and not be against each other all the time .
E.g ( 1 Long Term Trade system, 1 swing trade system, 1 intra-day trade system )
Assuming them to be swords, As long as we sharpen them and use them diligently with discipline, we would be on our way to wealth.
Wealth Creation must first start with bigger income and with more money, bigger income again.
Working as a trader is quite boring at times when all the systems are in place. But hey, what are we looking for? There is no complex system to wealth. Just a simple business where there is a systematically sound method of growing and protecting the capital gain.
Keeping it simple, thats the holy grail of everything.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
about R/S
Even if this doesn't concern me at all at all at all..... i Dun like the fact that I am seeing this.... why do i still feel a pinch of jealousy and sadness when i saw the pictures??
I must prove that i am better than I am...
I must prove that i am better than I am...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Suddenly feel like Blogging now
Just thinking...
that i cannot procrastinate.
Must be finding things to do.. learning things.
and restart alot alot of things.. i believe its doable.
that i cannot procrastinate.
Must be finding things to do.. learning things.
and restart alot alot of things.. i believe its doable.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Swimming with my sis
She so long never swim, in the end instead of swimming, it was just wading in the water.. hahaha..
but it was a fun thing... gettig me out of my environment of stress and enjoying the day!
V day is comming... but i dun think i will b able to have a date.. hahaha..
Guess its SAD day for me ..
Single awareness day.. hahahaa
Never mind.. i will be the most eligible bachelor soon.
but it was a fun thing... gettig me out of my environment of stress and enjoying the day!
V day is comming... but i dun think i will b able to have a date.. hahaha..
Guess its SAD day for me ..
Single awareness day.. hahahaa
Never mind.. i will be the most eligible bachelor soon.
Friday, January 16, 2009
1st Thoughts for this new Year
I was On TeeVEEeEe .. hahaa.... but i think only my stomach.
my 30 seconds of fame. LOL .
Was talking to my fellow Chingay Trainer...
Something he said Struck me.
As a person who is practicing... When we are in the situation where other give up. Its for us to be the one to perservere on and strike out as the successful one!
my 30 seconds of fame. LOL .
Was talking to my fellow Chingay Trainer...
Something he said Struck me.
As a person who is practicing... When we are in the situation where other give up. Its for us to be the one to perservere on and strike out as the successful one!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy New Year?
Wah, Everyone sets their resolution for the new year. Celebrated.
Me, I just feel that this is just another holiday. A day where it is significant enough for people to renew their calendars . and also to set new goals and target.
So i didn't celebrate. Got a call in the middle of the night. scared me and got me worried. Hope tt my friend is ok now and dun think of that bastard anymore.
On a happier note. Its also counted as the Starting year of my goals!
Gambatte! Delayed Gratification. Aiming for that!
Me, I just feel that this is just another holiday. A day where it is significant enough for people to renew their calendars . and also to set new goals and target.
So i didn't celebrate. Got a call in the middle of the night. scared me and got me worried. Hope tt my friend is ok now and dun think of that bastard anymore.
On a happier note. Its also counted as the Starting year of my goals!
Gambatte! Delayed Gratification. Aiming for that!
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